House Huntin’: Horse Country

Continuing the house hunting series, we venture out to horse country. There is a large equestrian community in the Southern Pines area existing in the beautiful fields and pastures that surround the downtown area. It’s beautiful land and an equally beautiful view outside your window.

On this particular day we toured a property on Camp Easter Road. The house was appealing to me because of the beautiful property that the house sits on and the proximity to downtown Southern Pines but still feeling as though you lived in the country.

Some Fun Facts:

  • Built in 1920
  • 6+ acres
  • 1,000 square foot guest cottage
  • detached garage
  • a sprawling 4200 single level brick house
  • large photography studio
  • officially a 3 bedroom

Before we begin with the photos I have to tell you that you basically need to start over with this house. It is a total renovation, it basically needs everything. Some of the bedrooms can stay where they are but most of the house needs a new layout. The asking price is…wait for it…$489,000. Let’s look at what we get for almost 500K, prepare to be astonished.

Long driveway and buffer from the road, I love a long driveway

camp easter driveway

Some of the side yard, looks like some old overgrown brick hardscaping,

camo easter side yard

this is the main entrance to the house,

camp easter house

you can see the relationship of the garage to the house,

camp easter garage

there were two of these cool lamp posts on the property, I think they are original

camp easter light

And welcome…to the land of the darkest paneling you’ve ever seen,

camp easter entrance

to your left you would be looking through a window that was originally the outside of the house,

camp easter living room

walking through the living room you pass by this nook that almost appears to be a foyer but its not,

camp easter nook

continuing on through to what appears to be a den or a library, also could be a 3rd bedroom I guess

camp easter library

if you continue around the house you get to this big sunroom addition added sometime in the 1990s, there is a partial kitchen in here for entertaining. I think this is where the kitchen should be moved to if the house was remodeled.

camp easter sunroom

Walking through to another added sunroom, judging by the wood paneling it was added some time in the 1970s,

camp easter sunroom2

Once you get through all of the sunrooms you arrive in the master bedroom which is huge,

camp easter master bed

This is the master bath complete with avocado green cultured marble,

camp easter master bath

Still in the master bath,

camp easter master bath2

This is some sort of media room,

camp easter den

Central hallway leading from master around to a 2nd large bedroom with its own bathroom,

camp easter hall

welcome to the kitchen that hasn’t been touched since the 1970s,

camp easter kitchen

camp easter kitchen2

this is the breakfast area,

camp easter breakfast

a very raw laundry/mudroom area off the kitchen,

camp easter laundry

and to round out our tour we arrive in a utility room off the mudroom complete with exposed electrical wiring

camp easter utility

I’m sure you agree that the sellers need a reality check here and even their agent recognizes that. Its really disappointing to see the house in this condition with this price tag. I’m confident that I could transform this house but I simply don’t have the dough to do it. Considering the price tag and the condition this house is not a possibility for us–so we’ll keep looking.Thanks for playing,


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  • I just spit up in my mouth. The inside is way more hideous than I thought! DAMN!

  • Good luck with the house hunt. Did you ever pull the trigger on the roman shades from Country Curtains? I’ve been looking at them, but don’t live near a retail store to see them in person.

    • Thanks and yes I did get the cotton shades for my bedroom and they are finally up now that we listed the house for sale. I’ll do a post and give you some closeups. I also used a CC shade, woven in my office.

      • That would be excellent. I was interested in the woven one, but I’d love to hear about the cotton ones, too. Cheers!

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