Music Friday: Dawes & the Morning Benders

The first video was my introduction to The Morning Benders. I love this song with a great great intensity. You will too.

The following videos are a collaboration between The Morning Benders with another favorite band, Dawes. It’s like I just heard these songs again but for the first time this week when these videos came out. Things are vibrant right now. I love music for being able to accelerate that.

The Morning Benders – Excuses

Yours Truly Presents: The Morning Benders “Excuses” from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

Dawes & The Morning Benders – If you Let Me Be Your Anchor

I swear to god…. the first day that I heard this song – I kinda immediately thought that it was written for me. I usually create a little fantasy to go with the music that I love – isn’t that the deal. It’s kind of a little finite fiction that you can live in for the minutes that it takes to go from start to stop. (I really DO have a Carolina heart.) All I need is an anchor. Or maybe I just need to leave.

Dawes & The Morning Benders “If You Let Me Be Your Anchor” from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

Dawes & The Morning Benders – When My Time Comes
Um… I love the reference to Nietzsche’s abyss and we’re gonna go off on what that’s all about…. sorry. I have to.

We are all, if we choose to be, free to care about and feel what we want. Things are meaningless – you give them meaning by choosing to care about them. Choices are limitless. However, all of your choices uphold themselves to a greater responsibility, all have consequences, an affect that is beyond you.

Engaging yourself in this way (if you are of any ethical fabric) may leave you feeling hammered by morality, responsible to everyone and everything around you. You have to learn to accept this without feeling as though your personal freedom is at risk. Alternatively, thinking about choosing your meaning too much is to choose meaninglessness, and may ultimately rob you of meaning.


Dawes & The Morning Benders “When My Time Comes” from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

PEACE OUT…..Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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