
hunt weekend

Sarah is on the hunt at the Liberty Antiques Festival this weekend. Hoping, always hoping to find treasure. Jealous of Betsy who strolled into a thrift store in LA this week, and scored a pair of mid century club chairs upholstered in mohair for $45/each. Follow along with Sarah to see if she strikes similar gold on TEOT’s Instagram.

And while we’re talking about treasure hunts–let’s all join our voices in concert to tell Betsy to get her butt to the Santa Monica Airport Flea Market. It happens every first and fourth Sunday. No excuses! Not even band practice.

Upcoming antique opportunities in NC- Cameron Antiques Festival May 2, 2015

Here’s some Interneting that we can recommend:

Clad Home, the custom furniture collection & online home decor shop of LA based Interior Designer, Rosa Beltran opened up this week. Her brick and mortar shop will open early May. We’re excited to see this for her. We’ll be taking notes Rosa. The custom sofa prices look legit.

Ooh, there is a theme here – perhaps its where our hearts lie, but recently we’ve been keeping an eye out on Studio Matsalla, a San Diego outfit that we think you should keep an eye too. She’s opening up shop. Best of luck to you friend!

God Bless Hendo for shedding light on the real side of styling a photo and getting paid for it too. Loved the breakdown here. Transparency is a real strategy.

Uh, I’m so unnerved by recent rumblings in the news about a blogger faking cancer for blogwhoredom that I don’t even know how to complete sentences. I kinda don’t want to contribute to the noise, but I just wanted to toss it out there cause it hit deeply this week. I want to extend a high five to those of you that deal with real shit on the reg and deal with it quietly, to those of you who are perhaps dealing with the exceptional real shit just this very moment and don’t have an audience online cheering you on… high fives for those of you handling it and not broadcasting it, not capitalizing on it, not seeking something more from it… High fives to those with the battles that  you are enduring on your own. Cheers to the fighters of real fights.

Speaking of battles, and on a higher note, if you are into funny ladies and feminism – here’s a laugh over Hollywood and it’s obvious sexism.

That’s it! Happy weekending.Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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