Heffe House: Push & Pull

Hi. It’s Betsy and I’m blogging today on TEOT!!! I’m 99% positive that dude is here too, to read all about the Heffe House, but I’m going to pretend like he isn’t and talk about him like the 14 year old girl that he makes me feel like I am. We can all have a laugh at his expense, and you can even have one at mine – but please don’t wreck a girl’s infatuation with her boy. Meanwhile I’ll do my best to make sure he does not wreck my infatuation with decorating his new house.

A brief introduction to our love.
Heffe and I met about year ago. Regarding HOW WE MET, well I guess I’m also going to pretend my mama doesn’t read this blog. I don’t knock the “We met online” story that many couples have these days… I don’t. Clearly I LOVE the internet. My mom would love it if we met on eharmony or jesuslovessingles.com……. But it’s not me – and I’m really happy to report that Heffe and I met the old fashioned way – as single people in their 30s should….. In a BAR, on a MONDAY NIGHT….  (In my defense, I was out ‘home decor’ shopping w/ my roommate Kate…. and deciding to pull the trigger on that ruched duvet cover really took it out of us – so we deserved a drink.)

About Heffe’s House
He just recently pulled the trigger himself – on a home for rent in Santa Monica. I tried to document some of the House Hunting process on the TEOT Facebook page. We saw some incredible places. I still like to close my eyes and pretend he lives here…. but instead he got what Sarah said “SOUNDS LIKE A DOG.”

It’s not really, it just sounds like one. See, the house has yellow kitchen walls, ceiling, backsplash and flooring, and it has a pink, grey and blue bathroom.

Importantly however – the house has a yard, and just like you can’t rip a girl from her fantasy daydreams about love and decoration, apparently you also cannot sever a man’s dream to have his dude friends over and watch football and grill meats. So… we have the Heffe House. It’s a really comfortable home and has a lot of potential plus a GREAT backyard which I’m sure you’ll see soon. It’s the perfect place for Heffe, his MaggieGirlDog, his 2 kiddos, and some football parties.

This picture that I’ve included shows some mild progress in getting the boxes out of the living room and getting the furniture layout kind of carved out, so that we can begin thinking about textures for the new furniture, rugs and window treatments. I’m collecting my ideas and findings on a Heffe House Board on Pinterest.


So, in conclusion….. this is what we’re doing here.
Heffe is [kinda uptight] and not into color. Early on in our relationship he told me that he’d never allow a turquoise couch in his home, and I legitimately questioned our compatibility. See my style below next to what Sarah pointed out might be a good look for shoot for…. It’s not MY HOUSE, so I’ll keep that in mind….. but maybe with a little push and pull, we can all bring the Heffe House into some place between Adrian Grenier’s Ecochic and Miles Redd’s turquoise color blast to the face!

Thanks for playing,


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