Weekend + Music Friday


Dan got us last minute tickets to see Bon Iver tonight! What’s better? He got seats. Normally I would stand or have some kind of lawn ticket but 100 degrees + 5 months pregnant = the frequent need to sit!  And DC is going too, her first concert!

Bon Iver is derived from a French phrase which means “good winter” or “have a good winter”.

Two of my favorites,

Lump Sum

Skinny Love

Have a great weekend everyone!Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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  • I’ll be listening from a friend’s porch a few blocks away- should be a great show, and so good to have Bon Iver and the Rosebuds back in town even just for the night! If you all are looking for an amazing meal or even a snack and drink before/after the show, try Poole’s 1/2 block up the street… if you go afterwards the bands will likely be at the bar. Have a great time tonight!

    • Thanks Salley, hope you can hear well on the porch. We are eating at Sitti beforehand b/c I’m like my Grandpa I have to eat promptly at 6:00. Know anthing about Sitti?

      • Oh, Sitti is great too! You’ll be able to walk to the show if you want- or take a rickshaw- it is about 5 blocks down Fayetteville, then hang a right by the Marriott. Sitti has a really beautiful interior, great food (fresh pita!), and on a day like today this might be the most important point- it is always cool/chilly in there so you can get your AC fix before the hot outdoors show.

        Have a wonderful time tonight, and thanks for your hard work on this great blog- it is one of my favorites and I always get a thrill seeing what you find at the fairgrounds flea market!

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