Spotted: African Kuba Cloth

African Kuba Cloth Inspiration BlackBirdsLA by Barbara Bestor

Around these parts, our attentions wax and wane, depending on latest projects and life’s very real demands. I used to give myself a hard time about this, but I’m accepting the natural order of things, and just going with it. Self help articles demand focus focus focus, but how can I with so many new inspirations flying into my face daily? Can you relate?

Speaking of focus, we SHOULD… and we should focus on Sarah’s renovation efforts. We have some exciting news to share soon, since she has totally wrapped the Bennett Kitchen renovation.

… But with the surprisingly successful launch of the TEOT pillow collection – the focus lately has been on home decor sales via ETSY.

So, that’s just what’s up with us.

As a result, with news of Barbara Bestor’s BlackbirdsLA project, comes eye candy with an emphasis on African inspiration, including some very wantable Kuba Cloth pillows scattered throughout the siteplan.

Peep the work of home staging company The Platform Experiment, and then holler at us if you feel differently about BROWN than you did before, or if you walked away thinking that this is a modern way to be inspired by Out of Africa.


All photos from Instagram, tagged #blackbirdsla

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