Reform School

I ‘m excited to share this great resource with you today – Its REFORM SCHOOL – a brick and mortar store located in Silverlake. In case you’ve never been, Silverlake is an uber-trendy area on the East Side of Los Angeles. It boasts tons of neato little shops, great dive bars, an annual streetfest and a host of hipster types galore. Its also got some of the best little bungalow homes. Definitely a great area to play ‘know your neighborhood’.

Reform School carries all the right accoutrement for the hipster crowd, for me and for you! If you can’t hop your fixie and cruise down to Reform School this afternoon – no fear. They’ve got a great online retail shop.

I work in the internet industry and spend a lot of my life online. Reform School’s Site is definitely an interesting aesthetic for an Ecommerce Site. I keep running across these same realistic ‘workstation’ designs, you know where the webpage looks like the the top of your desk or an inspiration board complete with measuring tape, post it notes, scrap ribbon, etc. (think both decor8 & Design*Sponge).

Reform School has done something similar with some added playfulness. They’ve worked in the high school theme complete with report cards and notebook doodles. We likey!! Do you!?

A screenshot of Reform School Online Shop for Art Craft and Design

Oh and PS – Check out the “Student of the Month” Christine Schmidt . She’s the brainchild behind our previously posted recommendation for Yellow Owl Workshop .

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  • Know Your Neighborhood is a game that we like to play. It involves driving slowly up and down neighborhood streets, peering into windows, commenting on outdoor lighting choices, and dreaming about what life would be like if you lived in that house.

  • A side effect of Know Your Neighborhood=tendency to want to or actually move often. I love know your neighborhood, in fact I just played a short game this morning. I really like to play in Culver City where you can go to Back to the Future neighborhoods. My other favorite place to play is Asheville, NC.

  • Holly…. Whoa!
    You’re the best. Thanks so much for stopping by our humble home decor blog. We totally love your site. Congrats on all the success you’ve seen. We’re looking to you for inspiration all the time!! :)

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