Great Design Books

Sarah and I have a collection of design books at the store that we love to flip through in quiet moments.

One can really be a student of many of the designers whose books we’ve selected below. As they say, it’s good to know the rules, so you can know how to break them. So, we’ve offered up a mix of some very serious, high brow options, alongside some of our self-taught contemporaries whose voice has been found among the likes of Instagram and

Either way, you are sure to pick up some tricks from the trade that you can incorporate into your own efforts at home. I’m a huge fan of the democratization of design. I love that we all have the opportunity to express ourselves and our lifestyles through our living spaces, and I especially love it when its executed with a bit of thought!

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  • I have Thomas O’Brien’s books and I also really enjoy Darryl Carter’s books. BTW, my s-i-l is designing a house right now with Darryl Carter. (OMG!) love you, Aunt Joy

  • Oh wowy, Aunty Joy that is really cool news about your sis-in-law. What a great opportunity!
    Love you too, and thanks for popping in!

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