An inspiration post, our contribution to the blog it forward chain created by Victoria at sfgirlbybay. Thanks Victoria for your time, here’s a little of our time.
There seems to be an endless amount of people out there doing something inspirational. Some we’ve been fortunate enough to run across and so many more that we have yet to see.
We are inspired daily. Here are just some of the sources that inspire us.
What gets Sarah’s juices flowing…
Photographs of people.
DC and Anna Colman, age 9
My mother in 1977, my mother outside of the Paris Market in Savannah in 2010
my brother in law
Our photo wall in the hallway
a new acquisition of mine, Photobooth by Babbette Hines
Bloggies, blogger, blogs…Ofcourse I would be remiss if I didn’t devote a little time to all those out there who are inspiring me on a daily basis. Without you sometimes I would be bored but most of the time just distracted.
Dinner & A Movie postings at From Me To You, Jamie makes me want to cook. Thats some serious inspiration, ask most people I know and they’ll tell you I don’t cook. Food aside, the rest of From Me to You is a visual feast of Jamie’s photography work and pretty darn inspiring. I haven’t made any of the dishes yet but it is a very attainable goal of mine. Jamie don’t ever stop doing what you do.
My favorite dinner combo to date is the Arugula & Goat Cheese Ravioli AND Revolutionary Road.
Boundless interior inspiration from Desire to Inspire, here’s a little smidgen of what is going on this week…
Jenny’s DIY projects at Little Green Notebook
Photo play with Photoshop at Swedish blog En bulle ur ugnen
design work life, Illustration, packaging and typeface oh my!
Outdoor spaces
What gets Betsy…
Sheer Mania
At times, inspiration washes over me with an inertia. It requires no effort and I am indulged in every direction. It is in these moments that I feel I am at my most creative. Motivated. Unstoppable. In these moments I think. I think. I think. and I write. I think and write about the following.
Beautiful Rooms
I’m inspired by beautiful rooms (especially when they have big gypsy dogs lying around in them). I love looking at magazines and also cruising the other blogs to see what the rest of the world is doing. Culling images and thought processes from other bloggers makes me want to make my home a beautiful and meaningful place to live. I’m still working on making my new home beautiful. Here’s some pics from the last one.
Vast Landscapes
Besides beautiful rooms, I’m inspired by a large view in my face. I snap at them with my camera sometimes and then play with them on my iPhone apps. No picture ever does a vast landscape justice. I’ve seen mountains that will break your heart.
Family, Friends & Loved Ones
These people meet me on planes that inspire introspection and inspiration. I’m grateful for them eternally.
Color and Pattern
These are the driving forces in decision-making when it comes to my own choices for making my home a beautiful place to live. I have love affairs with colors and patterns, sometime brief and fleeting, sometime deep and long-lasting.
I love to hit the road. Before I moved to LA, I was working with my Dad to fix up a 1968 Vintage Shasta Camper Trailer. My goal was to turn it into a traveling gypsy adventure (working my internet based job from it). I don’t require a camper for travel of course, but I am inspired by the thought of the lifestyle!
I’m moved to the core by music, inspired to say the least. I choose to share the video below because I’ve watched it one hundred million times these past few weeks, but also because I’m inspired by the subject matter. I tear through a lot of music, you can catch my musical inspirations on my AudioMuffin Twitter page:
Yours Truly Presents: The Morning Benders “Excuses” from Yours Truly on Vimeo.
Here’s a list of the other bloggers that are writing on the subject of inspiration today,
Wow you have a mighty list. Great post and you have a wonderful blog.
What a lovely list. I love that you’re inspired by your brother-in-law and my, is your mom ever beautiful! xo
Natasha- thanks for the sweet compliments! Its funny you should mention my brother in law, he does inspire me….sometimes to choke him!
haha. I totally laughed when I saw Rob on here too. Had to think to myself that it was the photography that must inspire you, not the subject.
Love you Rob! You are an inspiration.
Amazing! And I’m just wild about that column of succulents. Gorgeous!!
Your post inspires me to quote Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse, my 4-year-old’s favorite book: “Wow. That was just about all she could say. Wow.”
That video was amazing. I might have to watch it again. And again. And again!
that was an amazing video!
So many things I loved about this post! All of those photo walls are amazing and those succulents are incredible. The video was very cute, too. Great blog it forward, thanks for sharing!