Lauren Liess + HGTV

Two of our favorite things have come together to make perfect television magic.

Designer/Blogger Lauren Liess (who can do no wrong in our eyes) has launched her pilot HGTV program.

We urge you to watch and support so more great programming like this will come our way!

Here’s a little bit about why we think she’s great and why this show was a fun concept for a massive audience like the one that HGTV can pull.

The premise, at least in this pilot episode, is centered around taking one home out of a development full of similar “cookie-cutter” homes and transforming it into a standout. How relatable this must be to so many homeowners in the United States, since many developments like this popped up all over the nation after WWII, representing the beginning of the baby boom.

My parents live in a neighborhood like this in Hickory, NC and I see them all of the time here in Southern California.

I really like this idea!

Lauren Liess has an approach to design that is organic, rustic, traditional, cozy and homey and one that is modern and clean, but enjoyable by just about anyone. She has made so many transformations in her own homes that I have followed through her blog Pure Style Home, and Sarah and I often point back to them in reference to current projects. Her style really has launched an appreciation for a more muted and subtle approach to traditional styling for myself.

So, have a look at the trailer below. If you didn’t catch that initial airing, please do take a moment to DVR that shiz and give it a spin. I know that HGTV is counting on us to watch in order to decide if they will be filming more with Lauren Liess. I sure hope they do.


Best House On The Block (HGTV Teaser) from Best House On The Block on Vimeo.

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