Lack of posts is b/c I’m moving, and moving is hard. I just packed up 20 black Ikea frames to take with me to LA. I mean, the $2 ones. They aren’t fancy at all, but I thought that 20 of them could make a big statement! The original idea was that these 20 frames will line up vertically in five rows of four over the full bed in my guest room, but now they may just be doing their best to hide some ugly beige walls in a crap apartment. (Apt Hunt isn’t going so well lately).
So on my 36 hour drive I think I’ll brainstorm about what I’m gonna put in them. Here are just a few ideas so far. You have any ideas for how to fill 20 frames to make one wall piece!?
Option #1 – One large cut up Map
Option #2 – Botanicals on a black background
Option #3 – Audobon Birds Illustrations
Option #4 – Vintage Underwear Advertisement Illustrations
The Cut up Map from Elements of Style
Some Male Fashion from Apartment Therapy
Oh, zodiac images like these only a less expensive version from maybe from Vintage Printables. Good luck with your moving adventure!–a63485/gaius-julius-hyginus-posters.htm?ui=CCEFBE6585D746FC89581BF581046F82
how about 20 images of random things that are all in the same color range? you could find photos, patterns from magazines, wrapping paper, etc.
Get an OLD Sears Wishbook (or any other old catalog) and cut out 20 pages
Take one big pic and use Rasterbator to cut it up to fit in each frame.