A little party #RIPtreehouse

Dear Sarah,

I know that it’s unlikely that you, Dan, DC and Pete can hop a plane for the party, but I wanted you to know that you are invited to help me and a few friends bid farewell to the Treehouse. I asked Heffe what the theme should be and he’s a genius. He immediately replied with “POOL PARTY.”

So, the above pic is the save the date for my #RIPtreehouse party, and I just wanted you to see it now, cause I think it’s so pretty. I’ll be peppering our Facebook invite with photos from a photography exhibit at the Palm Springs Museum called Backyard Oasis for inspiration.

Since the Treehouse decor ended up a little Palm Springsish w/ its blue and yellow theme – it’s appropriate. I’ll do my best to find an outfit that recalls this familiar image.


P.S. Here’s another that is just loveable!

Source: kcrw.com via KCRW on Pinterest

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1 Comment

  • Wish we could be there! I love your Save the Date. Of course a Slim Aarons themed pool party is the perfect way to bid adieu to the tree house. Maybe in order to pay proper tribute you should purchase an iconic Aarons print to hang in your next place, plenty of aqua blue…will look great with those yellow drapes.

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