Return To Me

Good Morning!

I’m back and experiencing some semblance of calm. There are still multiple projects going on right now but completion is looming. With the holidays approaching its imperative that these projects be finished-that is the goal and I fully intend on meeting it.

A few things I’ve been up to since we last talked,

In the wilds of South Carolina I witnessed a duel of sorts between the dinos and the giraffes. It appears the dinosaur was armed with… what is that… a bubble mower.

halloween showdown

the giraffe is ultimately conquered by a third party– the tickle monster

halloween tickle

Scouting around for materials for the Midland project,







Shopping for my Mom– I do a lot of this,


that mirror might want to go live in this room over the fireplace, which you can’t see in this picture


Admiring my Mom’s garden–I also do a lot of this,

turquoise heaven

Facing down the jungle that will be my future yard,


Considering contemporary style and ultimately deciding against it,


Enjoying a lovely dinner that my husband prepared, cod topped with salsa and fried cilantro served with lemon rice, it was yummy!

Dan's cod

Contemplating my first attempt at stripping paint,


Stay with us this week, more posts to come.

Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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El Ramla Hamra, Wool Moroccan Blanket Thanks for playing,      And now...
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