Collections by MissPrint in UK

Just wanted to share the fun collections from MissPrint, a Design and Print studio in East London. Enjoy!

The Estate of Things chooses MissPrint Wallpaper Design

The Estate of Things chooses MissPrint Wallpaper Design The Estate of Things chooses MissPrint

Love wallpaper, but why am I so afraid of hanging it on my walls? Ohhhh ya.. Cause I’m fickle and I’m sure as soon as I’m stuck with a pattern I’ll hate within a month.

Aw, but that’s okay cause they have some decent Wall decal options at MissPrint too.

The Estate of Things chooses MissPrint lampshade collection The Estate of Thing chooses MissPrint lampshade collection

I’m a sucker for any pendant lamp lately and either of these would look great as a pair hanging over the nightstands in the guest room.

The Estate of Things chooses MissPring Pillow collection

These pillow would look excellent on my dark brown sofa!

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