Dhurrie? DIY? Floral?

I must find a rug solution. The living room is coming together – the yellow curtains have injected the space with an energy, and its been nice to arrive at the abstract vision that was slowly building in my mind. I don’t know how you guys work when you’re putting a room together, but I’m pretty sllllooooowww to arrive at my final destination. The amazing thing – is that Kate and I are putting together the entire home with super cheap thrifty finds, good sales, and curb side treasures.

Next up, a Rug!. As much as I would love to wait to see if we can get lucky – I’m pretty sure this is one piece that we will need to drop some cash on, as we have done with the curtains. Hopefully we can get matched up with what we want as awesomely as we did with our curtains from Jamie at Furbish.

This dhurrie from Anthropologie is pretty perfect in design and color. I’m mixing heavily patterned accessories with a lot of solid furniture. I have a bent toward what I commonly refer to as Gypsy Decor. I don’t know – I made that up. They travel, and I’m stuck in an apartment going to the same job every day.

The Estate of Things chooses Dhurrie Rug from Anthropologie

The kilims from the Rose Bowl were pretty hard to walk away from that day. But I don’t have the tenacity for Ebay. Perhaps I’ll have to make another Rose Bowl trip with some resolve to walk away with one. ??

The Estate of Things chooses Kilim from Rose Bowl Flea Market

There’s also this DIY post from Jenny at LGN that has my wheels spinning a bit. This could turn out to be a disaster, but at least it wouldn’t cost so much. I enjoy a chevron pattern, but I might even tape out something a little more like the Anthro rug pictured above.

The Estate of Things chooses Little Green Notebook blog DIY rug

There is a fantasy of an Angela Adams rug, (designer rugs that I love and will likely never own)….. but we can just take a look again. I dig her simple geometric patterns as well as the ornate scenery from the Birds & The Bees collection.

Last thought, is a large floral from Anthropologie.

The Estate of Things chooses floral rug from Anthroplogie

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  • I too dream of one day having an Angela Adams rug… love them! As for the rugs listed I really like the first one. Simple, yet interesting with some punches of color!

  • Hi…I have been reading your blog for awhile now and really like it, but this is my first time commenting (blush)! If you haven’t already, you might try Cost Plus World Market. I am not sure if they have the styles you are looking for but they’re decently priced – I got two area rugs from there for my last apartment and they held up well.

  • Hmmm…all really great choices, but I’m personally in love with the Antrhopologie rug. I know it stinks to drop a lot of cash, but it is a bit of a focal point of the room and getting a rug that you love so much will make you crazy happy everyday! You’re paying for good quality, too, so it will be with you for a long time and can work in other living spaces. Can’t wait to see what you decide on though!

  • Kilim, totally! I want one so bad for my living room as well. I think they go so well with so many different styles. I am a huge eBayer, but there are just so many on there, and I feel like antique/used rugs are really something best seen in person before purchase. Go back to the Rose Bowl! However, I do also love the first Anthropologie rug.

  • Have you looked at West Elm? The have some great rugs coming out, not cheap but worth a look.

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