The Brick House

Sarah and I had a long phone call tonight. It was really nice to chat with her! It’s hard to be so far from my loved ones. Thank you Sarah!

While we were chatting, she was telling me about some fantastic blogs that she has been inspired by and some illustration tools that she is interested in for planning out her renovations. Below are some images from one that came up in the conversation. I spent a little time looking at it. I pretty immediately felt good about what she has going on in the home tour section of her blog, but I’m also impressed at her Google Sketchup skillzzzz. She IS crazypants. (and that I love). Are any of you guys out there using internet based illustration tools for your plans? We’d love to know what you are using.

I am just gonna copy this lady’s format here in hopes that some of you read my blog but haven’t seen hers yet. I feel very happy when people do that with my images because I understand that this is a good thing (Google says so)! Check out the Tour section of The Brick House.

The Estate of Things chooses The Brick House blog

The Estate of Things chooses The Brick House blog

The Estate of Things chooses The Brick House blog

The Estate of Things chooses The Brick House blog

The Estate of Things chooses The Brick House blog

The Estate of Things chooses The Brick House blog

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1 Comment

  • I’m very much a drag-the-furniture-from-here-to-there person. (Although I imagine professional decorator people have to draw things out first.

    I remember The Brick House primarily for its flokati covered bench. Inspired!

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