Break Time

I went over to visit the Indiana project yesterday and found the new basement stairs were built, the wall that once separated the dining room from the kitchen was gone, the old basement stairs were being removed and the house has been ushered in to the 21st century. So I can head in to the weekend focusing more on exterior changes now.

look into my crystal ball

I’ve read most of Lonny and look forward to reading the rest this weekend. So far I think Issue 3 is my favorite. It seems like its the accessory issue, every page features this awesome little tabletop vignette, thats the overall theme I’m getting right now. Looking at Lonny online gives me the insatiable want to touch those pages and I can’t get over that. My friend Kristin and I jumped up and down when we saw Lizzie Bailey’s campaign style chest in her entry, why? because Kristin bought one just like it for $20 at Goodwill and she had already planned to put it in her entry way, holla!

Lonny #3 Thompson bookshelf

We’ll see you next week. Have a fantastic weekend!

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  • First, if you took the picture of the doorknob you need a high five for that! Loving that picture. Secondly, Im starting to feel I need to lay a tarp down in the middle of my apartment to finish all of my outstanding projects.. although the campaign chest may be my new favie.

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