Episode 2 of LA Apartment Rental search

Joel went to check out an apartment for me over the weekend.

Its a Studio Loft / Guest House located behind a home on a Walk Street – about a block from the beach in Venice. I had some email correspondence with the HomeOwner about my 125 pound dog that really wants to live in California with me. The homeowner said that the dog would be welcome, but he probably would find the space to be a bit small at less than 400 square feet.

Here’s some pics.

It has character, the location is great (less than 2 miles from my new workplace – imagine biking to work on the beach). At $1250 per month I had high hopes for this being my future home. Living in a guest house is an ideal situation, especially with the dog. Most apartment buildings appear to be anti large breed.

Unfortunately, Joel reported back that the space was teeny tiny, that the living room may not be large enough to accommodate a full size couch, there is no parking, and that I would have to trade my baths for showers.

The search continues!Thanks for playing,


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  • I still can’t believe the living room isn’t large enough to fit a couch. After seeing Joel’s pictures I can’t really tell what the material the shower is made out of–stained concrete?

  • that shower looks like evan’s diaper was smeared all over it. that’ll make you feel clean.

  • Haha.. I thought it might be some kind of Copper/Metal finish with the poop stain pattern coming from the oxidation process. Kinda neat looking, but odd to me too.

  • all those descriptions of the bathroom sound right… but i can even begin to describe to you how small this place was, it was ridiculous. a COUPLE had just moved out of there. a COUPLE. that’s TWO people. the main room had all this vertical space, but was completely unusable. the ‘loft’ wouldn’t even be able to fit a full size mattress in. i feel like betsy could have made it work, though, without a dog, and if it was a couple of hundred bucks less per month, and there was a parking space.

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