
Just Get It Done Sometimes things are quiet, and creative pursuits come easily, other times the roar of expectation deafens my ability to make things happen. Right now I’m hearing a lot of roar, and I need to remember to just work hard. We spent the past week in the hospital, so I’m sitting here now, grateful to be home – but lost for what to do first. I need to make a list and check “make a list” off. You know what I mean?

How about some light Saturday internet-ing for you?

Sarah is putting some thoughts together for Laney’s big girl room. I’m happy to see this!

My Morrocan Tea candle met its end recently, and I’m thinking about getting my hands on some more.

I’ve been living in this shirt that I got for a dime at H&M.

Victoria of SFGirlbyBay responded to my twitter wonderings – regarding the bentwood West Elm pendants. Se has one, and reports that it will indeed suffice and I’m happy for her endorsement. Now, to pull the trigger!

I’ve been diggin’ Mandi of Vintage Revivals a lot lately. I don’t know if I told you or not, but I tried my hand at this Pom POM Blanket DIY and mine didn’t turn out so bad.

Jaxon Home launched an “all things leather” sale today. You can get 15% off of any leather items online! There are sleek shapes with clean lines to match your downtown Arts district loft apartment and bulky comfy timeless shapes to sink into in your Topanga Mountain weekend getaway. There are rich vintage inspired buttery hides and crisp smooth leathers alike. And, the whole ordeal is fully customizable.

That’s all I have folks. Happy Weekending to you!

 Thanks for playing,


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