Red tomato

Is it weird that it occurred to me that I would like to be a tomato, amongst friends, in a blue bowl – living in a quiet picture?

The Estate of Things chooses Cookie Mag

The Estate of Things chooses Cookie Mag

This is the kitchen of blogger and Featured Etsy Seller Kimberly Laurenti of When Skies are Grey

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  • I think it’s ok. I would however beware of flea beetles and stink bugs. They will suck you dry and leave you a skeleton of leafless, fruitless vines.

  • In a kitchen like that, why not? I’d rather be that ceramic smiley guy on the silver thing…

  • Tragic Bregan. What an awful visualization for a poor little group of tomato friends. They were hoping more for a relaxing day or two of ripening. But I suppose if no bugs get to them first, then a tango with a serrated knife is inevitable.

    The ceramic guy is immortal compared to the tomatoes, maybe that is a better choice. I wonder what his view is like.

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