In case you were wondering…
Yes, I’m on Pinterest.
Pinterest is a online social community of people pinning all sorts of things to their online bulletin boards. You can maintain as many inspiration boards as you’d like and share in everyone else’s inspirations. There are all kinds of people on Pinterest; design bloggers, fashionistas, regular folks and creative types. So hop on– but a word of caution, it can be addicting.
You can follow me– just search Sarah Farrell and if you can’t find me via search try this link.
If you’d like to join in this fantastic time waster, leave a comment or send an email and I’ll send you an invitation.
It might be helpful if you provide this link to your profile:
Pinterest’s search feature isn’t the greatest and there are a lot of Sarahs on there!
Thanks, Allison! I was having a hard time finding her. :)
I thought about adding a link but I haven’t had any luck using other links that bloggers posted so thats why I didn’t BUT I will add it now and hopefully it will work!
I love your blog and would love to joint pinterest, please invite me
Hey Jennifer- send me your email address, thanks.