Me Likey.

Sorry I’ve been a little lax at posting lately because of vacation and some other totally valid reasons which I will explain soon. No I’m not moving again!

I try to refrain from spoiling others’ reading of a specific magazine issue, I seem to get mine later than other bloggers in other parts of the country and sometimes they drop the images a little too early. But I think we’re safe now so I can gush about how much I loved House Beautiful this month. Thank you HB for carrying the load when so many others have failed. I keep reading that the editor Newell Turner is the coolest guy ever and we know he reads blogs as evidenced at MFAMB.

Allow me to point to my favorite dwelling featured in the June issue. Some might be a bit bored ’cause its not edgy– there is no giant art installation of a woman’s mouth over the bed ( you know what I’m talking about Kips Bay) but its a modern cottage and I know a lot of us can appreciate some modcottage, especially me. Let’s begin.

 The lead in almost killed it as I hate anything romantically styled,

lindsay reid house beautiful romantic garden table

but recovery came quick, I knew that designer Lindsay Reid and I would get along well when she painted the living room Ben Moore’s White Dove and used PB’s Peyton drape, which is on sale btw and I need to get on that. OK so, solid choices Lindsay, go on…

But I have one problem here, I’ve got to know what the floral fabric is on the accent pillow on the sofa. I checked the sources in the mag and online and its not listed, forget the chinese chinoiserie on the sofa I got that but the floral isn’t listed. Do any of you overachievers happen to know? Help!

Lindsay Reid living room House Beautiful

Calming, serene bedrooms which is something I am in to.

Lindsay Reid bedroom

lindsay reid bedroom2

The antique suzani dials it up in the home office.

lindsay reid home office

lindsay reid dining room

Loving the thistle block print fabric on the pillow. This won’t be the last time you see this kitchen.

lindsay reid kitchen

lindsay reid den

And there you have it. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts, let’s start a dialogue.Thanks for playing,


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    • I don’t think there are any kids but I wonder what changes would be made if there were…don’t forget I have a white sofa, not saying its worked for me…but I have one + children + big dog. The dog has been far worse for the sofa than the child.

  • I thought this month’s issue was great, too. My favorite was a toss up between the one you posted and the next one in the issue, done by Sally Markham. I loved that dressing area even though it’s not usually the type of thing I go for.

    • There were parts of all of them that I liked, for instance the blue/green office in the first feature. Don’t know that I share your sentiment about the dressing area in the Markham design but I do love to look at all of it.

  • I’ve really been loving HB lately. Last month’s cover made me week in the knees. There are elements of this house that I really like — the living room (love the ottoman), the bedrooms, the kitchen — and somethings I don’t — the dining room wall color is a little too rustic for me. Thanks for the heads up on the Peyton drape sale!

    • The dining room wasn’t my favorite either, I’d skip the columns and change the wall color. That ikat would accomodate some more layering.

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