Estate Envy: Meg Draper’s Laurel Canyon Bungalow

Oh Don Draper, you disappoint me so much with your screaming infidelities. Your unwavering confidence, your glib I could give a what attitude, your constant last minute bourbon and lucky strike fueled genius slogans are starting to bore me. I wish someone else would outshine you in the board room one good time. For once, I wish the lady wouldoth protest… For once, just do what we haven’t come to expect of you. Even your weirdo 1940s depression era secret past life is a snooze.

More Megan Please!

Especially the banging little bohungalow digs she’s propped herself in up in Laurel Canyon, am I right? Don’t be surprised if you see a gigantic DIY God’s Eye in my Instagram feed soon. Thanks for the inspo Meg. Good luck in LA.

Megan Draper Home Decor Mad Men bedroom

Megan Draper Home Decor Mad Men bedside

Megan Draper Home Decor Mad Men deck

Megan Draper Home Decor Mad Men kitchen

Megan Draper Home Decor Mad Men Living Room

Images from Interior Design Magazine, see more Mad Men set design images here!

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