You Keep Me Hanging On

I recently spent the week at the beach with two of my best friends from high school. They both read TEOT and one of my friends said– you know Sarah, you really keep a reader wanting more. She didn’t mean in a good way either, she meant that I didn’t post often enough and that many times I didn’t reveal the final product. This wasn’t an eye opener but rather an affirmation of what I already knew– so I’m going to make an effort to improve this.

But aren’t bloggers always saying this though? They are always apologizing for not posting enough, neglecting their blog, or not showing you enough of their work.

So in order to make you a little less wanton I’ll wet your whistle with a series of random images from life,

In preparation for putting my house on the market, we replaced the whole front door. The project was almost complete in this image.

sarah house front door This is part of the Grout Cottage kitchen plan in Apartment B.  I thought the upper cabinets seemed a little heavy on the right of the window so I asked the cabinet builder to append that open cabinet to the left side. Here I’ve narrowed it down to a the cube cabinet that holds wine bottles or open shelving. I decided to go with the open shelving (drawing on left).Grout kitchen plan

Cut your own zinnias in South Carolina,


Tell me the look on her face doesn’t crack you up,

eleanor smile

Umm… yummy low country seafood feast @ the beach,

seafood buffet

And we celebrated 8 years—couldn’t do life half as good without this man,

dan & sarah anniversarySo thats a little of what’s going on around here. And now we make twice daily trips to the wine warehouse and liquor store to get free boxes cause its moving time!Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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