Happy Holidays from The Estate of Things

The Estate of Things wishes you a Happy Holidays

In case we find ourselves too busy to surf the internet and share our inspirations with you – I wanna go ahead and take this moment to wish you the best for the Holidays from The Estate of Things!

I also just want to say SUPER HUGE THANKS to everyone that has visited our blog and shared comments with us in 2008. We are really excited about getting geared up for this upcoming year. We realize that by the end of 2009 – The Estate of Things just might be famous on the internet. ;)

In the next year, we hope to expand the blog with hand selected advertising space for Crafters and Retailers that we enjoy. We hope to provide you with a carefully curated page of online resources for Home Decor Awesomeness. AND We hope to have found a designer that shares our aesthetic and we hope for that designer to help us build a beautiful branding identity. We also have discussed some new ideas for posts including guest bloggers and some North Carolina City Shopping Guides.

The point of all of this blog business is so that one day when we are a little bit older and wiser – we can set up shop somewhere and start selling our own inventory both online and in a radical little storefront in some town, USA. For now, we are utilizing this blog to share our ideas and inspirations with one another, and to make friends online!

So yeah! With that being said – Thanks so much to YOU, we hope that you will grow with us and Have the verybest Happy Holidays!!

The Estate of Things

Oh Ya! and I would’ve mailed you this card – but I don’t have your address! :) So, if you’re into it – join The Estate of Things mailing list and let us know that you love us. I promise – we won’t mail you anything that you don’t want.

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