Everywhere: a Bougie Racket

Recent blog perusing led me to a new trend of decor involving vintage tennis rackets. I may come around, but for now I’m feeling a little feisty. These could double for applying your bashful blush on your way out the door to the tennies…. ;)

The Estate of Things chooses Alicia B. Designs

Meanwhile, I also stumbled upon this lady (who I think could be my friend). She wrote a post on her blog explaining BOBO (which is relevant to vintage tennis rackets as decor) and referencing the Unhappy Hipster that Sarah recently turned me on to. I found her through a google alert cause she embedded a song by my new band, Barbara. The same Kid CuDi cover that I shared for the weekend.. She embedded it with a generous compliment. Thanks Joy. Check her out. She’s got mP3’s for days.Thanks for playing,


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