Massimo Vitali

I need this really I do, seems exactly what I’ve been searching for.

Massimi Vitali Cagliari Blue Recta

Several reproductions of Massimo Vitali‘s work were recently on sale at One Kings Lane. The one above being one of the works that was for sale.

Massimo Vitali was born in Italy in 1944, he began the Beach Series in 1995.  Vitali’s work is collected in various museums and galleries around the world.  There are also some private collectors you may have heard of; Elton John, Cameron Diaz, Courtney Cox and Sasha Cohen to name a few.

Shortly after seeing some of the beach panorama prints for sale on One Kings Lane, I saw this in Lonny…then I pounded my fist on the desk and mumbled– where’s that extra $800.00 when I need it? DC doesn’t need to go to daycare for a month and 1/2 right?

lonny mag beach photo

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  • Elton John is a very good musician and has been my idol ever since..:”

  • Be care full when buying Vitali on OKL.These are images of prints and not the real thing.

    • I’m in Canada (Toronto) and we can’t access the One King’s Lane website to purchase…..ugh!…does anyone know of anywhere else in the U.S. or Canada to buy?

  • does anyone know how the photograph on Courteney Cox’s wall was printed? it’s not framed, it looks like it is printed in/on acrylic or some kind of glass or plastic, where there are no edges, it is on piece that is entirely flush. anyone know what this is called or how you can get this process done? thank you

    • I actually spoke to the gallery where they purchased her Vitali and they said it was face mounted in Germany with a process called Diasec, that is not available in the US. It;s closest to face mounting to high quality plexiglass and backing with aluminum. ; )

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