Custom Pantry Doors

The laundry room (more like a pantry/closet) is off the kitchen. The doorway leading in to this room is an odd width.  I thought, until about a week ago, that I was going to have to settle for bi-fold doors from Lowe’s Home Improvement store. They would have to be cut to accomodate the odd size.  In the midst of my dissapointment over having to look at more standard bi-folds, I found this!

Image via Sunset


They looked fairly easy to build so I asked the carpenter and he said–no problem, I can do it. So the carpenter built the simple frames, sans little silver plugs and I’ll have the local glass company fit it with some glass panels.  I’ll have my version of the doors painted white to match the trim and other doors in the house. Voila!

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  • Pingback: Topics about Renovation » Custom Pantry Doors
  • It looks really nice! Good to know that you have found a better alternative for that odd sized door. What I did for my store-room door is, ordered a custom sized door to the local plumber and he did a good job. But I must say that your’s is better than mine with that glass installed :)

  • I am looking for a pantry door that is only 76″. All I find are 80″ and say trim no more than 1″. Can you help me?

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