Bungalow 404 Update

It’s been a while since there was an update on the renovation of Bungalow 404. 

Since my last post on the project, the screened porch has been torn off as well as the entire front porch floor.  During an attempt to repair a brick column on the front corner, the porch supports were observed to be deteriorated and compromised because of old termite damage. Good news, no active termites. Bad news, the whole porch floor has to be rebuilt and I am going to reconfigure the screen framing.

I realize not everyone enjoys looking at the early stages of renovation, it can be quite boring. But for those of you out there that want to see 404’s progress, here is a brief visual update.

 the estate of things chooses bungalow 404

                                         the estate of things chooses bungalow 404

the estate of things chooses bungalow 404

Meanwhile, some design decisions have been made. A dining room fixture was selected and purchased from CB2.

                                     the estate of things chooses cb2

As far as my choices for the bathrooms, my decisions are still few but I’ve settled on white beadboard for the bathroom in the basement and haven’t made any tile selections there. In the hall bath (one with the difficult air return) I will deffinetly stick with the white subway tile chair rail there and I’d like to use a bigger 16×16 polished porcelain tile which mimics marble but is more durable. I found the polished porcelain at Lowes. I’d like to have the least grout lines possible because here’s the deal–it’s easy to get charmed by those small hexagonal or white round penny tiles but those equal a lot of grout and if you use a white tile then you are going to use a light grout.  Grout gets dirty over time and even with all of the specialty grout cleaners out there, it doesn’t quite come clean. Moral=reduce grout lines or reserve small tiles for bathrooms with the least traffic.

 Thanks for playing,


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  • I actually prefer a dark grout with white tile. I used the grout color “natural stone” with white subway tile and it looks great – I like it better than the white subway tile I used with white grout. The dark stuff looks great with subway tile, but it does make me wonder how it would look with hex…

    By the way, the space is looking great. Getting a good foundation is essential for doing all the upgrades you want.

  • Hey Corey-I’m with you on the dark grout. I think I should clarify and say my dirty grout concerns happen on the floor as oppose to on the wall. But I hear you on using the stone grout with the white subway tile–I hear you and I’m thinking about it…hard.

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