Meet Mariah!!

We’ve strategically named most of the pieces of furniture in the house.

Roomate Kate and I picked up some tufted sofas. The upholstery is kinda wack, but we like it. (a white brocade w/ gold buttons). She soaked the cushion covers for a  day in Oxy Clean and then ran them through the washer with a mix of Tide & Care Bear detergent. True enough, they cleaned right up.

The shape of this thing is begging me to recover in an unassuming cotton or linen, maybe even a large scale floral – perhaps paint the wood a complimentary solid. Other option – a tea stained linen or grain sackish material and distress the wood, taking it almost down to its grain… What would you do?

I’m thinking about it over breakfast and listening to Caribou – Lalibela


The Estate of Things chooses Breakfast

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  • can’t wait to see what you decide! does your coffee table have a name? we just got a new one from Ikea (the leksvik). is it bad if your coffee table is taller than your couch?

  • I vote for a classic linen, it would be gorgeous! We also name strategic pieces of furniture at our house, mostly after Seinfeld characters (that started with a credenza/Costanza joke).

    Can’t wait to see what you do with Mariah.

  • The space where my coffee table goes is void like the heart of of a woman whose one true love is off to war. I really want a baker brass coffee table from the far east collection…..!!
    If I ever get it, I will surely name it something epic.

    Laura – I’ll be honest and say, I think it might be a little weird if your coffee table is taller than your couch, but I would never feel totally comfortable judging without seeing it for myself. :)

    Personifying furniture is awesome. Credenza/Costanza is perfect, you’d fit in well here at our home Jamie. Kate and I have a consistent disagreement over whether our buffet is named Jimmy or Warren.

  • Laura-my coffee table has got about 2″ on my beloved Petrie. I think it depends on how much taller the table is.

  • I believe the furniture item seen in this photo is actually Aqua Fina. Mariah is her sister.

  • Truedat y’all. The pictured piece was actually nameless until just yesterday! Welcome Aquafina. (Mariah lives in Kate’s room, and she is considering a reupholstery job of pink sequins, black boa piping, and a paint job in the way of a SONIC plum purple.)

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