Everywhere: Test Tubes

Back in January I was observing a trend of feathers emerging. Recently I’ve been thinking about this Pigeon Feather in the Test Tube thing quite a bit.

The Estate of Things chooses Test Tube Pigeon Feather

However – what has led me to think about it so much is, the test tube itself. So, I’m newly obsessed, and a package of 14 Vintage Pyrex Test Tubes from Ebay just landed on my door step. It’s time to start thinking about what to do with them all!

I’ve gone on a little image hunt, to see what I can find! Have you been thinking about Test Tubes too!

The Estate of Things chooses Test Tube Rack with Flowers

from Design Sponge: Liz Demos Sneak Peak
I love the Wire Rack here. This chic’s house is pretty great. Check it out.

The Estate of Thing chooses home decor trend test tubes

This image was shot by a friend of the Something blog.
Again, with the rack. Maybe I need to start looking for one.

The Estate of Things chooses Etsy Seller UnCorked

Etsy Seller UNCORKED has tons of Test Tube / Cork projects.
These are kinda neat. I dunno.

The Estate of Things chooses Etsy Seller Ars Moriendi

Etsy Seller Ars Moriendi has some fun science inspired artwork to check out!!

Thanks for playing,


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