Our Ultimate Guide to Benjamin Moore Paint

I was at OSH one day perusing paint for my bathroom at the last house, when I shot off a quick text message to Sarah to inquire about what white paint I was supposed to pick.

She told me what we all know to be true sample sample sampleand she couldn’t give me the answer on the spot, but that doesn’t stop anyone from wanting the quick pick. That same moment, I picked up a gallon of Chantilly Lace after googling to learn that it was a Jenny Komenda fav and I took it home to paint over my baby blue walls in that little bathroom. It never was the bright crisp white I’d hoped for. It read yellowish in my space. It was a lesson learned.

Recently we went back and forth with a close friend over picking whites for her new home. She won’t mind that I’m showing you the before/after of that result and hopefully she wont’ mind that I’m picking on her just a bit.


So now, everytime I see a post about decorator’s go whites I can’t help but hrumph a little bit. It’s true, one man’s clean and bright white is another man’s yellowish beige. It’s all about your space.

Nonetheless, we’re gonna talk about paints anyway, as a great starting place.


Sarah used Healing Aloe in the bathroom at Bungalow 404. It’s a super option for a calming effect. Its a light neutral tone that leans blue with a green complexity to it.

Dove Wing
http://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-color/oc-18#ce_s=dove wing
A Quick Bath Upgrade by Sarah here on Teot: https://theestateofthings.com/2013/11/a-quick-bath-upgrade/

Chantilly Lace
http://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-color/oc-65#ce_s=chantilly lace
Betsy’s bathroom

Sarah’s Indiana House: https://theestateofthings.com/2010/09/indiana-project-interior-paint/


On the darker end of the spectrum, Betsy is looking to these shades to complement the oak trim in the downstairs bedrooms. We’re excited to see some moody rooms!

Newburg Green
Benjamin Moore Nuberg Green
Photo Credit: Kelly Stuart

Palladian Blue
Our friend Ashley used this color in her guest bedroom:

Hale Navy


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