New Additions at Betsy’s House – A Baby Nursery

Hi! It’s your 7 months preg blogger friend checking in with updates on the New Additions.

Accidental closeup of the bump when I was trying to work the self-timer. It’s become my favorite shot of late. And I got to see my mama for a bit in my 5th month.

I have always wanted to be somebody’s mama someday, and I still kinda can’t fathom that someday is on its way. Due date is in mid July (the day after Sarah’s Birthday).

I’m still very much enjoying being pregnant more each day, I can’t wait to actually meet this little thing that has been moving around inside of my belly. I was laughing with my sister-in-law, Lowrey yesterday. She is also pregnant (her fourth!) We were laughing at how scooting and rolling out of the bed onto your knees to stand up and go to the bathroom 6-10 times a night sounds like it is miserable, but we’re just having so much fun!

As far as nursery prep, and until this post, I had done next to nothing. Is it paralysis? Is it laziness? What is it that has me holding back? I have 2 months to figure it out.

As you may know, we jumped to it getting the new garage addition on the house rolling, and there have been more meetings and more idea developments that I will share soon, but its still a ways in the future before baby has her own room. Until then, she has to share with someone, and it looks like that’ll be us! (Something about on demand feeding and SIDs, etc. I’m getting the deets, don’t worry!)

Okay, so what’s the deal with me and getting prepared? I guess once the dude and I start plucking some purchases off of the nursery decor list, then I’ll start putting together a newly organized master bedroom. You may recall that it only recently evolved into its latest iteration, which is still a design in progress with a few more tweaks needed… but instead we’ll move some things around and hang up a room divider and turn half of the room into babyland while we live among construction on the new garage addition!

My brainstorming is shaping up to look like this.

I do have a few little doodads here and there that my sweet supportive friends have already given me in excitement. As my sister in law told me, babies beget baby gifts. If you conceive, gifts will come. So we’ll see about that as time grows nearer. I’m happy to play baby dress-up in little outfits and send friends and family pictures of their picks. Otherwise, I’m stocking up on white onesies.

My hopes to be a minimalist are pretty strong. Not that I’m a minimalist in any other way. I guess I just mean that I don’t want tons of unnecessary baby paraphernalia. My desire to not let our house become overrun with swaths of primary colors in plastics is palpable. The dude shakes his head in the opposite direction of agreement when I talk about baby minimalism, so we’ll see how it plays out. I’ve been warned of the moments that one will buy anything to get a crying child to sleep.

Perhaps I’ll be defeated in time, but let me please just try y’all and I’d love your support. Once she develops her own communicative personality and starts begging me for My Little Ponies, she’ll have her own room and she can stockpile the American dream in all the colors of the rainbow. I did begin a baby registry on Amazon and you can look at it if you are curious about what products we have chosen. It’s here. Huge thanks to my friends Rene, Amy & Patterson for all the recent advice on baby must-haves and don’t needs. There is plenty that I may need, that I’m going to wait and see about in time.

Some patterns and products are coming together on this board. We’ll see where we actually end up, but this is where I’m headed.

Crib  |  Block Shop Wall Hangings  |  Graphic Wall Hanging  |  Calder Mobile  |  Rocking Chair Recliner  |  Changing Table  |  Baby Bassinet is Vintage  |  Baby Patterns via Etsy  | Pillows via TEOT

So, that’s where we are. I have a plan and a little bit of time left to execute. Can’t wait to see what that room looks like in 3 months! Ha!






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