Big Times Ahead – Don’t Miss ’em!

Sarah and I dreamed up this shared adventure on a set of barstools in Southern Pines, NC in 2007. It was cold and wintery, probably Christmas. I think it was the same night that I traded a pair of gloves right off my hands to some intoxicated dude for a twenty dollar bill, upon his insistence. I’d bought them earlier that day for 75 cents and cut the fingers off.

We all sat around and laughed and talked about our dreams for the future. Sarah and I always came back to the store. It was her wordsmith husband Dan who came up with the best names as we tossed ideas around. The Estate of Things has appeal on several levels. It stuck, and not long after a blog was born. We set out to begin building authority on our domain name, with hopes for future eComm. It was a dream in motion.

For five years we’ve been sharing stories and inspirations with you in the way of our home decor passions. It has been a place for us to maintain our closeness to one another from 3000 miles apart, and it’s been a much needed escape from the ins and outs of our demanding lives where we have real jobs, real families, real triumphs and real struggles.

In all that time we managed to grow a significant and routine base of traffic! We’ve come to really appreciate the blogger friends we’ve made from other corners of the world, that are into what we’re into. We are so grateful that people want to visit with us here, and we’re thankful and gushing isn’t really our thing – but Y’all are the best. zing!


So, what’s all the noise about? Well, Sarah is going to finally share with us the final work from the Grout Cottage renovation. Like the Indiana Project (picture above) this is a big freaking deal and she accomplished SO much. It’s amazing to see the transformation, and she’ll share all of the details of the renovation of this beautiful 1890’s Queen Anne home right here. In my camp, well – eComm dreams are coming true as I’ve recently acquired part ownership in the eComm business side of Jaxon Home, an incredible factory owned and operated brick and mortar shop in Culver City in the Helms Bakery District. This is terrifying and awesome! Can’t wait to flex my bizness muscles and see where we can take the brand!

So sign up! Be a part of our story as it unravels! We’ve launched the newsletter list so that we can feel more in tune with you and keep you updated as these exciting things roll out.

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