I Saw the Sign

Last week I randomly emailed Betsy this,

Jon Jackson LA billboard

The subject of my email was “No, you’ve got it all wrong”

A little review– Betsy is from NC but she is currently living in LA. Betsy and I are besties, we met freshman year of college and have been friends ever since. I still live in NC. Betsy moved to LA and then Betsy and LA brokeup and Betsy moved back to NC. Then Betsy got a great job and she and LA got back together.

Over the last few years Betsy and I have had a lot of conversations about her unstable relationship with LA hence my email with Jon Jackson’s billboard attached.

Betsy responded and said she had interviewed Jon Jackson for the radio station she works for, KCRW.

The only thing I can deduce from this–the universe is telling Betsy and I that we will never breakup. Read Betsy’s interview for KCRW with graphic designer Jon Jackson here.

 Thanks for playing,


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