Jaxon MINI

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That’s my all-star niece Madeline, my brother Chris’ little girl. She’s hamming it up! (She gets that honest from both her mom and her dad.)

For the past month or so I’ve been working with a team of folks to bring a creative pursuit to life, and here we are – at the launch date of Jaxon MINI, a kid’s line designed by Victoria Richter!

Jaxon Home is a brick and mortar home furnishing shop in downtown Culver City. My group came on board to help Jaxon Home build a website and we’ve fallen so madly in love with the business and it’s owner Victoria, that I’m honored to say this venture is now something that is part mine to make a success.

And it’s new to the web! Not many people outside of LA know about Jaxon yet.

I’ve been an observant consumer as brands of all shapes and sizes have announced new lines online without knowing how much thought and how much work must go into a product line launch. It’s been very exciting for me to be a part of such a collaborative and creative effort.

To kick off the line we’ll be hosting a group of around 40 or more Mommy bloggers and Los Angeles mover and shaker moms at the store. There will be shopping, sampling, and sipping wine as well as a presentation by a children’s book author on getting published. (I’ll be taking notes… maybe children’s fiction is in my future too – since all my dreams seem to be coming true!)

If you are here in LA, come on over. 5-8pm at the store.

If you are my mom, or my dear friend – please join me in celebrating by taking a look at the Jaxon Home blog, and please please feel free and comfortable to shoot me a note and let me know what you think, good or bad! Lay it on me betsy at theestateofthings.com.

Save-For-Web-HOMEPAGEThanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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