Indiana Project: Outdoor Lighting

It is time to select the outdoor lighting for both the front and back of the Indiana house.  As we approach completion, finish electrical and plumbing work are next on the list.

I usually purchase both the interior and exterior lighting from various online sources. One retailer that I often return to is CSN Lighting. CSN Lighting offers a variety of lighting ranging from landscape lighting to interior track lighting.

I’d like for the fixture to have a little of the craftsman element but not too obvious. Do you have a favorite here?

Indiana outdoor lighting


1. Sea Gull Lighting 2. Craftmade Outdoor 3. World Imports 4. Kichler Alameda 5. Progress Lighting Aberdeen 6. Minka Lavery Townsend 7. Maxim Lighting Cubes 8. Maxim Lighting Craftsman 9. Martha Stewart Arts & Crafts 10. Thomas Lighting Mission 11. Arroyo Raymond 12 Arroyo Berkeley 13. Sea GullThanks for playing,


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