Indiana Project: SOLD

You couldn’t have forgotten about the Indiana Project already right? Say it ain’t so, it took me eight months to put a polish on that place.

Well the Indiana Project now has a new owner, it is SOLD. And I couldn’t be more relieved.

Indiana House Exterior The yellow front door The Estate of Things Sarah Farrell.jpg

If you missed the renovation, we’ve got a new link on the sidebar (right side) that will take you to the finished product.

The closing of that property was trying to say the least and primarily because of the lender. I don’t know about the area you live in but our housing market here has not suffered nearly as much as other places in the U.S. but things are starting to move like molasses here and its primarily the fault of the banks. It appears that the banks are controlling the market here not buyers and sellers.

Indiana House Exterior Gable detail The Estate of Things Sarah Farrell.jpg

As much as I like to drive around and dream about restoring other houses–I can’t. The market just isn’t right now.

Then my Mom calls and says lets go look at the “pink house”, you want to? Set it up she says. So what did I do? I sent an email to our agent to set up an appointment to see the pink house. Buying is of course another story.

Thanks for playing,


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  • Hi. Just a blog stalker. But I couldn’t leave your blog without saying WOW to the home renovation project. I love old homes. I can’t think of a single thing I would have done differently or that I would want instead. You did a beautiful job and have such great taste! I know the new homeowners must be so excited! I enjoy your blog!!! – Allison

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