Indiana Project: Exterior Lighting Selected

Some of you might be wondering what the outcome of the exterior lighting deliberation was for the Indiana project.  I did make my selections and here’s what we ended up with,

Rutherford sconce Restoration Hardware

Restoration Hardware’s Rutherford sconces for the back of the house. I know, it wasn’t on the list.

And for the front, the Sea Gull fixtures (#13). Â Right now I’m having second thoughts about the Sea Gull, its a little small, more like a portable LED light such as these, than an outdoor light.. Â I’m considering ordering the Rutherford for the front too.

Also purchased was #3, the swan neck will be mounted over the back door. Its a pretty big fixture in the box, the electrician will hold it up in place tomorrow so we can see if it will work.

Indiana outdoor lighting

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  • Beautiful remodel. Do u mind sharing whether u purchased the large or small Rutherford sconce light? We are looking at these for our side service garage door and wondering what size to get? Our garage is turned toward the road so will be seen daily by us and others. Thanks is for your help!

    • The Rutherford is from Restoration Hardware and I’ve used them on two different projects. Thanks Heather!

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