Design Sixx on Bravo

The book Downtown Chic has been on my book radar for several months now.

sixx downtown chic cover

The Novogratz family has also been on the radar because of this gem of a summer house in South Egremont, Massachussets which has been featured in numerous places including New England Home.

Sixx Summer

The Novogratz duo (+7) popped back in to my mind again when I was viewing the fantastic selection of design books at The Paris Market in Savannah.

The Paris Market book table

image via Fine Things and Big Dreams

And it seemed to be really following me around after I read Lauren’s nice little review of the book at Pure Style Home.

I thumbed through the book and read the first two pages at The Paris Market last Thursday. After reading the first few sentences I knew I needed it. The gist, two people meet in North Carolina while the girl is in college, they move to Manhattan so boy can be stock broker and girl can pursue acting and fast forward…they marry, have seven children and begin flipping house–big houses.  By the way if you’re reading this Cortney & Robert–I’d love to have a copy!

So I did some digging about the Novogratz family and Sixx Design because I don’t have the book yet. And I found out that they have been busy moving themselves in a slightly different direction as a result of the housing slump.  Currently, that direction includes signing the whole fam up with Ford Modeling Agency and getting a deal with Bravo to do a reality series called Design Sixx.  I can’t find an exact start date but Bravo’s release statement said it would begin this month.

One of the episodes promises footage of a cab ride with Cortney as she goes in to labor with her seventh child, plus they’re gonna flip houses, occassionally party like rock stars and raise seven children.  La vie boheme.

Sixx Novogratz group shot NY Times

Also interesting is the NY Times article called, Branding The Family.

*****Update*****: According to the New York Social Diary, the show’s name has changed to 9 x Design and it will air this Spring.Thanks for playing,


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