Everywhere: Black Magic

You’ve seen it, here and there and everywhere – I’m sure! Yet, this lovable and quite easy trend was just triply re-enforced with DoorSixteen‘s post about its staying power. She’s amassed quite a great collection of stunning examples of the black wall in action. Did you see them!?

I was reminded that this image was the one that had me at Hello back when it first appeared.

The Estate of Things chooses Black Wall Paint - image found on Habitually Chic

I gave it a shot in my last home. The lighting pretty much sucks in my photos here… but let’s take a look for sake of nostalgia. I’ll never get to take a better picture than this cause that bathroom is dead to me.  (I do greatly miss my 1500 sq. foot furnished home).

The Estate of Things chooses Black Bathroom

I used a black paint that leaned a little towards grey/brown. I wanted to make sure it was warm and didn’t come across feeling blue or purple and soul sucking.

The Estate of Things chooses Black Bathroom

Please note my DIY shower curtain too. Everyone I know owns this duvet from Ikea!! It is a great pattern and I have yet to tire of it. However, I did grow weary of seeing it on my bed everyday!! So, I re-purposed it and now it is my super tall shower curtain! The added height over the tub made it feel just a bit more luxurious. Not bad considering the beige that I started with.

I’m looking forward to making a similar transition with the bathroom in my new joint. I’ve been in the new place for less than two weeks, and I’ve only slept there a grand total of 4 nights…. If I was smarter I may have taken some of this holiday time to stick around in LA and put my life together there…. But there is NO WAY I could volunteer to do that when instead I could attend an Avett Brothers concert for New Year’s with Sarah and Dan!

If you want more, check out Apartment Therapy’s post a Bevy of Black Bathrooms

Thanks for playing,


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  • the light bounced off that mirror and distributed across the whole room. It was a successful experiment and use of black paint and the DIY Ikea shower curtain was an added bonus. Loved it! But of course you should’ve taken my advice and gotten the orange peacock print at Little Paper Planes.

  • Yes.. that Peacock print was pretty perfect.
    John got me an Orange Ben Harper Concert Poster as well – that was gonna work alright… but its still rolled up in a tube. Chances are it will be for some time yet.

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