Ep. 5: LA Apartment Hunting

Okay, hopefully those last few posts got all the irrational options expunged. And since its time to get serious, this post is going to be about compromise. First I’ll start with the Wish List.

  • Dogs Allowed
  • Hard Wood Floor
  • True 1 Bedroom (distinct private sleeping area)
  • Full Kitchen with some aesthetic appeal (hopefully white cabinets)
  • Character / Charm
  • Close to Work
  • Will re-consider proximity if the dog has an outdoor area that he can access without me!

The first time I moved to Los Angeles I was 24. My friend Joel lived there in a Studio Apartment in KoreaTown. He was working his way into the Television Industry. He allowed me and another girl friend to come live with him temporarily in the Studio. The 3 of us shared that tiny space for almost two months. It was pretty awesome (probably more in retrospect than in reality) Joel’s rent was like, $600/mo. So the moral of this story is that compromise can be fun, but more importantly its that KoreaTown is a really affordable place to live. Not only is it affordable, but its stacked with awesome Art Deco apartment buildings.

Here’s what you could get for the Money

The Historic Chateau Duval
Check out the soaring ceilings and dark wood floors in this place. The kitchen is also pretty rad with its Stainless Steel appliances. I love the 1920’s. The description says that the Dining Area includes a concrete wall, so clearly we are banging on charm and character here.

This place meets everything on the list, except for being close to work or having access to the outdoors for my monster dog. and again, we’re looking at a hefty drive during rush hour.

The search continues, I guess!

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  • this is actually really nice. I think you should kick your true one bedroom priority to the curb. Your studio in Philly was great, the hanging panels separated it perfectly.

  • I feel for you and your dog situation! I had a (large) black lab some years back. It was extremely challanging finding somewhere to live with her! I ended up living in 1/2 of a huge old house, a studio space, with a backyard, but no fence. It’s definitely worth the hunt! I am enjoying your pics of possibilities and good luck to you!

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