Really digging Little Green Notebook

Thank you to Isuwannee who linked us up on a farewell post with several other of her Blog Favorites. They were all great reads for me.

I was doing my usual quick break peruse and just loved this DIY Pinch Pleated Curtain post over at LITTLE GREEN NOTEBOOK. Check her out! Isn’t that room a really great mix of colors and textures.. Are you falling in love with everything black and white like I am…? (I’ve noticed several of my last posts have included a stripe here and there.)

The Estate of Things chooses Little Green Notebook Pearl Street Interiors

This room is totally giving me some tangible ideas for a now completely empty guest room that I need to put back together. (My roomates moved out this week.) A humoungo thanks to Jenny at Little Green Notebook for the ideas… Including a totally easy and inexpensive matching Bookshelf job. Your room looks great.

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