Guest Cottage Kitchen Remodel Part I

Late last year I began remodeling a little kitchen in a guest cottage on our property. This project had a significantly lower budget than the Indiana project or the Midland duplex remodel so this kitchen won’t be gracing the pages of…anything. But I think it’s a great improvement!

The footprint of the kitchen is pretty small, its only about 8′ x14′ and as you can tell from the dimensions–narrow. Fortunately, the kitchen has a pantry which offers the opportunity for additional storage.

Here is the before,

yellow cottage kitchen before

corridor to cottage kitchen before

Hallway with ugly sink, scary fluorescent light and open shelving, looking in to kitchen

cottage kitchen

I think the thought behind the sunshine yellow wall color was–trying to brighten the space and detract from its decaying fixtures. It wasn’t working for me.

Marinate on that for a bit, Part II will be demolition.

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  • I almost forgot about the fridge that sounded like someone slammed the back door every time it cut on.

  • Given the inspiration pictures, it looks like your thinking white? I love that idea. Are you planning on demolishing the separate sink-in-hallway area to make a larger kitchen?

  • Ashley the layout didn’t allow for inclusion of the hallway to create a bigger space. But the sink in the hallway was demolished and it now creates space for a console table or a small cabinet for more storage. White of course!

  • Are you going to keep the metal cabinets? There is definitely a resale market for them. People who love vintage are always on the hunt.

  • Hallie, the metal cabinet had seen better days, I’m not sure if it could’ve been reconditioned, probably so considering all kinds of things get new life now. The answer to your question is no I didn’t salvage it.

  • Thank you for this post! I have been searching the net a lot your blog one of the good ones for the info I am looking for. Very good to know all this stuff before I start my new project.

  • >I'm not sure about the sharp croners on the furniture, but the colours are gorgeous, and I love the idea of a bookshelf or wardrobe at the end of the bed!The panda art rocks too!Wendy xx

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