Creepin’ on Craigslist

Southern California continues to impress itself into my heart and as it is becoming more and more my home, it’s moments like these where I’m grateful we found one another.

It’s not a rare occasion that one might hop over to Craigslist and be totally bowled over with awesomeness.

My home is full to the brim and the dude and I just signed on for another two year lease, so we won’t be looking to fill any space soon. So, I have nothing else to do with my finds other than to share them with you, and plead that you please buy them and then tell me all about what it is like to live with the following.

Campaign Studio bedYou probably don’t need me to tell you this, but this is two pieces of a dream. I can picture this swathed in pillows of textiles from all over the globe, starting first with a big fat french mattress on top. It shall sit upon a grouping of layered kilim and bright leafy green plants will shower their vines above it while the warm California sun pours through the window onto perfectly white walls. Ugh, seriously. I’m tempted to get them even though I’m fresh out of space. I can use them as a platform bed under our king, just to store them away until we have the room. Lord knows, I could use the extra storage.


So, you may or may not think much of the Franco Albini ottoman for $195. It’s a pretty good price for this classic piece. Sarah hyped them to us them here. Alongside the chair for $35, I’ll take it!

Red Velvet sofaNow, there is also yellow version for the more practical of you, with deeper pockets – but I died over the pink. So, I just showed this couch to Heffe. Incredibly his response was that we need a bigger house. Then we went on to discuss the man-cave, and we talked about how I know that he’d never agree to live with this pink velvet fringe couch in the main living area no matter how much bigger of a house we get — and so if dudes get a man cave, where is the girl cave? That’s sexist. I protest. I want a girl cave… and I want to decorate it just like I Dream of Jeannie. I’ll start with that $400 investment.

English Roll armThis may not look like much due to the poor photography… but it’s a whole couch for $300 which I think is a steal for a sofa and the english roll arm is such a classic shape that is really having a moment right now. How could you go wrong? If I was just starting out in LA like the poor girl that I was both times that I just started out in LA, I’d snatch this thing up and toss some casters onto the feet. If it’s worth anything in its frame (and it sounds like it could go either way in the description), you can have it recovered once you get your LA legs!

chandelierThis dude is making these custom to your order for $300. I’m not sure I’d actually pull the trigger on it, but I coudn’t help myself when it comes to dreaming. In a parallel universe, I’d hit him up and hang this over the bed.

chrome credenzaOkay, lastly, and then I’ll quit torturing myself with unrequited love, this chrome credenza is a mere $115 and I promise you that it will make a statement in the right room. If you need to move with the trends then you might wish it was brass or, I hear copper is on the up and up. But perhaps some of you dudes out there are still stuck on that classic atomic aesthetic and chrome gets you excited. Me personally, I like to mix a lot of different eras together, and I think that a little piece like this could be warmed up with a little styling. It’d look good with a little bar action.

That’s it! Dreaming officially over!




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