Lately I’ve stumbled upon a few things that I’m into. Maybe you will be into them too!




Custom dye your bedding to any color you desire. Holy cow, you can just punch in a Pantone Number. I’ll take a new set in the perfect shade of Olive Green please. And peachy blush, and marigold and mustard and navy and all the 2018 colors.

Rhye has a new album. It’s been a while since I’ve actually been into an album enough to share it, but this one is a solid choice for background worky music. I have to be careful to mind my energy and background music can affect that in a major way. So I usually choose a very smooth and calming mix. This album was on repeat all week and helped me keep my cool.

via MyDomaine
Velvet Ikat together with Kilim. We think they are on to something.

We have some new stuff in at Shop TEOT and while that’s exciting every single time, its especially so right now. The velvet ikat pillows are a graphic staple in a luxe silky velvet that is sure to add some punch to your mix, and I’ve noticed that a bit more mix in the mix on your sofa cushions is a good thing lately.

Additionally, it has come to my attention that the Turkish Kilim pillow is cool again. Maybe it was just me that fell off the kilim bandwagon for a bit, but I have a few scattered throughout my home from a deep dive a few years ago and frankly I had gotten over them. The fam doesn’t like to use them on the sofa b/c they are too scratchy and just as I was gently phasing them all out of rotation, its apparently time for me to reinvest myself in the idea. I have a little group in purples and pinks headed toward my house now, but you can shop the shop for what’s out there for you here.

The change that occurs when these two teens are on the lam… I loved it.

Um… Sarah and I occasionally like to dip our toes into some dark storytelling. We share a love for My Favorite Murder, among many other true crime podcasts – but she’s always gone a bit deeper than me, following stories like the West Memphis 3 with ardent concentration since we were in college. So when she told me that The End of the F-ing World was a little too bleak for her to continue watching, I should have known better… But let me tell you that I made it all the way to the end and holy crap! While I wandered around about how to feel throughout, I definitely was emotionally invested by the end and it simply slayed me. Reminding you that I’m pregnant, I told my baby doctor what happened to me when the show ended and she officially swore me off of highly dramatic television for the rest of pregnancy. So, let that guide your decision making. If you like to have your heart torn out from time to time, this one might do it for you. Fair warning, I full on hyperventilated when it ended.

This cool font is currently free to download. Maybe you will love it as much as I am loving it this week.

I found some pink shoes at Target. They aren’t fancy or perfect by any stretch, but I’ve been wearing them happily. They are blush pink suede loafers with a collapsible heel. I tried not to collapse the heel, but I think by design that’s really their intent, so after trying for a few days to keep them on, I’m done and they are mules. I’m into it.

The master bedroom at my house is coming along. The pic here is outdated by a couple of lamps, a rug, some new art and I finally changed up the dreadful TV situation a bit. Eventually it will feel done, if only for a moment. More on that for another day.

And as we close, this airstream makeover made its way into my face just after I spent some time on a phone call with my dear friend Bregan. She has two airstreams that she is working on for a complete renovation to AirBnB on her Texas ranch property near Austin, TX. She was coming at me with some really cool ideas to follow her personal aesthetic but to incorporate some more fashion forwards design ideas, a different direction from the palatable rustic/boho combos we have been seeing in camper renovations for the past couple of years. So when this pickle green Airstream popped up I paid extra close attention. The duo that took on this project did a good job of pulling in personal style in a way that I appreciate. It’s homey and realistic and while maybe not my personal aesthetic leanings, I like that its theirs.

That’s it. That’s what I’ve been into here lately.

Enjoy your weekend.


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