Summertime Updates

I’m a bit of a head case after Summertime wedding adventures that lasted almost the entire month of June. Prior to merging ourselves in a modern day marriage ceremony, I drove the puppies across the nation and back (bachelorette week on the way, honeymoon week back) in our Ford F150 truck and additionally we spent a week on the French Broad River with mine and Heffe’s family.

To say that it was an incredible emotional journey puts it lightly. It was 3 weeks packed full of so much fun!

My fam on the Trolley ride to party time.

When I was a kid, I used to often crumple into tears on the floor after a long hilarious bout of laughter with a friend. If I’m feeling reflective on existence I might say that there is a duality to things, best kept in balance. If one expends so much glee, surely it must be met with its opposite match…

This picture of my brother and the balloon is a solid favorite from the event. 

I’ve been trying to put back the pieces that seem to have fell off the wheels while they turned without me during Wedding month. As far as getting back into the saddle goes, I feel like I’m that kid crying on the floor, all crumpled after a good fun time.


From Sarah’s perspective. Thanks for this pic my friend.

But, I’m physically back for The Estate of Things and after I get done tackling all the little to-dos involving customer support fires 0r messed up inventory tracking systems….  I’ll be asking myself very deep questions,

…like what is this all for?


Kate slayed a modern throwback with her mermaid hair and this killer vintage number.

I suppose existing in some state of a search for meaning is my M.O.

So, this post is just some strange way to say, HI. I’m back, and it was fun, and now it’s time to get to work.

Much love,



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