Saturday at Long Beach Flea Market

Hey y’all.

Do you follow us on Instagram? If so, then you already know that Sarah and her family came out to Los Angeles for a nice weeklong stay at our house. It was great fun, and we did lots of adventuring and exploring.

We started at the top of the week with a trip down south to the Long Beach Flea Market. It was so great to get out together and shop in real life, since usually we are working virtually, or going out sourcing on our own since we live on opposites sides of the southern nation.

Here are a few snapshots of the fun things we saw.



Someone’s prized John & Yoko scrapbook,


Seek the pastel kantha quilts,


Betsy didn’t listen to TEOT’s store mantra and these lilac lamps haunted her well in to the week,


Sarah has long had a soft spot for turquoise, and the ladies running this booth were some real American gypsies, made up of the stuff straight out Betsy’s wild heart.

We spotted some giant macrame hanging around, the original stuff from the 1970s,

Indian blocks to do your own printing,

Betsy is having a moment for multi-colored patterns and this struck her fancy.

Sarah carefully studied the suzani selection for the right vibes.

Next level air plants,

Next level tangled masses of air plants,

Betsy contemplated a couple of these for her bathroom, but didn’t want to carry them around. Ha!


This extra long lumbar haunted Sarah, but we’ll find it again and bring it to all of you




This tent below  looks like something that Betsy wanted to erect in the desert back before the #vanlife article came out in the NY Times and shed some light on how cliche the whole notion of “running to and burning up in the sunset” has become. She’s still dreaming of launching her Seven Wanders venture though.

vintage South American toddler sandals,

Aww. We had a funny conversation with the neighbor to this little setup. He swore we didn’t have a camper like this one…. and Betsy was like “Uh, no. I have a camper EXACTLY like that one.”

We met some new rug dealers that had some promising things to say about possibilities for the TEOT Rug collection.

So, that was that. We highly recommend the Long Beach Antiques Market to anyone in the area. You know the Rose Bowl gets all the love online but Long Beach is every bit as good.

Love yall. Have a great weekend.

 Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!


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