New Bedding for Fall

Fall is in the air…

Here in Los Angeles of course, it’s still a bunch of hot degrees, but the nights are growing cooler and soon we will buckle in for the season change.

All of you on the East Coast seem to be bundling up for Friday Night Football games and long afternoons in the park where the leaves will soon be changing colors.

My nephew, the freshman kicker on his HS Varsity team, just kicked a winning field goal and the after photos made me long for a cozy cable knit sweater and some new ankle boots to love.

While you are getting ready to get cozied up for the new season, we have an idea for you!

Fall is a wonderful time to update to your bedding for a fresh take on the season. I recently added a cool white linen duvet to my bedding scenario and it gave me a whole new outlook on my quality of life. It’s silly how much of a difference a change like that can make. Of course I also moved my bed to the opposite side of the room for its 3rd spot since we moved in. I’m trying desperately to find a configuration I can commit to, so we can call that room complete.

So, back to the task at hand. Our signature serene blues and whites from the TEOT bedding line are fantastic for a transition into cooler nights.

We selected a number of designs by the inimitable John Robshaw. If you aren’t familiar, trust us when we say that the extra long staple cottons (aka Egyptian Cottons) used in his lovely block print motifs are the most luxurious that the market has to offer. Sarah and her mom are HUGE fans of this bedding line and we are proud to offer them exclusively at TEOT in downtown Southern Pines.

So, in preparation for this, the coziest time of year – we suggest you lively up yourself with a major bedding upgrade! Here’s a peek from a recent tear out in Sarah’s inspiration file.



Shop TEOT’s bedding collection here:

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And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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