
Oh To Feel This Way
Oh, to feel this way again.


This weekend, Heffe and the homies and I head to NC for a bit of much loved family time. I’m deeply grateful that this crew enjoys the trips we make to my home. We hope to see Sarah, Dan and her girls. We’ll settle for Sarah and a girl, whatever we can get.

We convene in Ashe County, our new TEOT vacation headquarters. Our crew is going to pull up my old Vintage Shasta Camper and rough it by the river!

Normally on the weekend post, we’d share a week’s worth of lazy saturday morning worthy links here. To be real, it’s Thursday night, and I’m feeling more like sharing my own musings.

I’m wound up in the fuzzy aftermath of a sweet celebratory dinner with the dude regarding some great happenings in his world. At the same time – the anticipation and subsequent realization of our failed house hunt offer is settling in over us. We aren’t confirmed, but at this point, our assumption is that no news is bad news and the congratulations note went out to someone else tonight. Another one bites the dust? I wish we knew for sure, but it feels over.

We’ll expect the Thanks, but no thanks word tomorrow.

Times like these remind me to dig deep and have faith in life and love. Sure, there will be disappointment, but a certain peace came over me this evening while I was preparing dinner… it got me thinking about the big picture. I’m so deeply content. Sometimes I have to push myself to remember to be equally grateful for what I have, and will have. We are lucky that we have health and life and prospects, and even though it’s a little design blogger’s disastertown, I love my little yellow kitchen in this rental. And I will love the next house that we find.

For the past few years, Sarah and I each have been in our own overwhelming states of change in our daily lives. Life has demanded a growth from each of us. A growth that at times has me feeling naive at best, self-pitying at worst. There really aren’t words for the rather complex world that has revealed itself to us as we’ve grown up. It’s opening me up in ways that I feel truly challenged by, positive growth ahead. I’m a fool to feel anything but grateful for possibilities that lie ahead.

This blog that I share with Sarah is one of my favorite aspects of my life and I’m deeply happy that it’s taking on a sharper identity, evolving into more than just a hobby for two shared friends, separated by distance but forever connected by our shared passion for design. Thank you for reading along and playing with us.



 Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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  • So glad you have found peace and contentment in the midst of disappointment. May your future be filled with love, joy, peace and dreams fulfilled. Love you Betsy. Enjoy the family time and North Carolina.

  • It’s disappointing but the right one will come along as I’m sure you know. Suzy read this and got all verklempt but didn’t comment.

  • Thank you for reading Suzy! Much love to you and yours.

    We found out for certain, just as we touched ground in North Carolina that we are officially their choice for a backup offer. We’re always the backup offer. Can’t wait to see which house I fall in love with next.

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